Sunday, December 2, 2012

Field Experince Reflection

My 40 hour field experience at Lodoen Kindergarten Center with Mrs. Huseby was a unique and awesome experience. I was able to meet many educators during this time (usually in the teacher’s lounge) and asked many questions. I learned about everything I could think of during my time there. What M.A.P. scores were and how they are used? How a kindergartner gets put on an IEP? What are signs of ADHD? How to do weekly lesson plans? How you deal with the obstinate or gifted/talented child in your room? What happens when you get a new student who is way behind your class? How you help the children cope when a student leaves the class? What style discipline tactics work? These were just a few of the questions I asked. What I learned in my field experience is just the beginning. However, it has provided me with a strong base to start. It helped me to solidify that my dream is to work with younger learners.
  The best part of my experience was anytime I was allowed to teach. I really enjoyed making homemade applesauce day, and the day I taught the learners about bats. These were the times I was most in charge of the entire class and Mrs. Huseby was mostly observing me. She gave great tips and I was able to implement some of them right away.
  The worst part of my experience was discipline. I didn’t know what would be acceptable so I took discipline slow. This led to a few small problems early on (the learners thought I would be a pushover). I should have asked about discipline styles in my first meeting, but I didn’t want it to come off as being one of the important issues. Next time I will ask what he/she does in the classroom before I am in front of the learners so I know the game plan better.
  Overall this experience was great for me. It was an awesome first step and I cannot wait to take the next one.